How does this online learning program work?
This is a self-discovery program which encourages staff to take control of their own learning and to utilize their lifelong learning skills through exploration and PLAY. There will be no classes or workshops offered to support this program. Instead, staff are encouraged to work together and share with each other their discoveries, techniques and "how to's" both in person and through their blogs.
Is this program open to all LPLS staff or just some?
This program is open to ALL LPLS staff regardless of position and status (full-time, part-time, or sub). Everyone needs to keep learning. If you are not a member of the LPLS staff, you are welcome to follow along, however the library cannot award you any staff prizes for completion.
How long do I have to complete the program?
The program kicks off October 8 as part of the LPLS Staff Development Day. You must complete the program by January 15 to be eligible for your reward.
How do I track my progress for each of the 23 Things?
Each staff member who chooses to participate in this program will be required to keep a blog to track their progress. You may make your blog anonymous (that is, you don’t have to use your real name on your blog), but you must email your blog’s URL to Jerianne Thompson, who will be tracking participants’ progress.
Will there be any training classes offered to show staff how to do this?
No, this is a self-directed learning program. If you feel you need assistance with an item, you are encouraged to be resourceful and to find a co-worker or another staff member who can help. It’s ok to work together with a co-worker to accomplish the exercises. Reading other staff member’s blogs can help, too.
I've seen the list of 24 Things on the website, but how do I know what to do with them?
Each week, posts will be added to the LPLS Learning 2.0 site with details about the discovery exercises for that week. Reminder emails will also be sent out to all staff each week. The reason for this staggered approach is to allow participants the ability to focus each week on a different area without feeling overwhelmed. You can work at your own pace, as long as you finish the program by January 15.
Can I work ahead through the list of items on my own?
Yes, of course. You are encouraged to self-direct your discovery process, especially by working ahead on your own! However, if you do work ahead on some items, be sure to check back on the exercise details for each item once they are posted so you can be sure to receive full credit for its completion. You should also check back to see your co-workers’ progress and experiences.
What if I fall behind?
It is ok if you don’t complete each exercise the week that it is posted. Maybe you were late getting started, or maybe you needed to take a break in the middle. You can work at your own pace to catch up. Just be sure to finish all the exercises by January 15 so you qualify for the reward.
What if I need help - who can I call?
Since this program is self-directed and is being completed by many staff members throughout the system simultaneously, you are encouraged to work with colleagues along your discovery journey. To find a list of staff participating see the list of participants.
I would like to earn the reward but don't feel comfortable with my co-workers reading my blog. Can I participate anonymously?
Yes and no. Since you control all the information that you share on your blog, you can choose to use a screen name to identify yourself to keep yourself anonymous. However, in order to receive your reward, you will need to identify to Jerianne which blog is yours. She promises not to reveal your secret identity!
Once I complete all 24 Things, how do I get my prize?
If you complete the 24 Things list by January 15, your supervisor will give your reward to you. We will begin distributing the prizes at the end of December. If you complete the 24 Things list after January 15, there is NO guarantee that you will receive a prize. The first 20 staff members who complete the 24 Things will receive a Coby MP3 / Video player. This player supports MP3 and WMA formats and can be used with R.E.A.D.S. audiobooks. It has a 1.66” full color LCD screen and has a touchpad control. Other features include song lyric display, photo management, and an integrated FM radio with digital voice recording. If multiple staff complete the program at the same time (resulting in more than 20 finalists), a drawing will be held to determine who receives the MP3 player. Additional prizes, to be announced, will be awarded for other staff who complete the program before January 15.
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